API Documentation Weather Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste Map

About this API:

This API is provided to collect all the real-time weather data of all municipalities across Timor-Leste. All the resource data is filtered, wrapped together and collected from Himawari Satelitte with the help by Open Source Weather Data: Open Meteo. This API is created in objective to provided easy access and free of real-time weather data for purpose of development an app, website, ChatBot and many more related with weather in Timor-Leste. This API data is not 100% accurate because there is only one type of source that retrieve from satellite, so all the weather data only based by the image of the clouds cover the island, because there is still lack of Weather Monitoring System that established in Timor-Leste land across all municipalities.

The Swagger documentation of API tls

Weather Parameter Descriptions in Tetun

Parameter Description
id numeru identifier ba dadus
tempu Oras tempu iha formatu UTC
temperatura_2m Temperatura average (rata-rata)
temperatura_2m_min Temperatura minimu
temperatura_2m_max Temperatura maximu
umidade_2m Average umidade (rata-rata kelembaban)
presipitasaun Sasukat ba materia kondensaun ne'ebe produz no monu husi atmosfera
presipitasaun_sum Sasukat somatoriu kada loron/oras ba materia kondensaun ne'ebe produz no monu husi atmosfera
udan Sasukat ba udan tun
udan_sum Sasukat somatoriu kada loron/oras ba udan tun
kodigu_klima numeru identifika ba kondisaun klima. Informasaun klaru liu iha okos
presaun_rai Kondisaun presaun ba rai nian ne'ebe ho formatu hPA
presaun_tasi Kondisaun presaun ba tasi nian ne'ebe ho formatu hPA
velosidade_anin_10m numeru husi velosidade anin per 10m
uv_index numeru indexu husi radiasaun loro-matan
sunrise tempu loro-matan sa'e husi horizon
sunset tempu loro-matan tun husi horizon

Weather Code Descriptions in Tetun

Weather Code (Kodigu Klima) Description Weather Logo
0 Lalehan Naroman clearsky
1, 2, 3 Naroman Naton, Kalohan, Kalohan nakukun uitoan fewclouds
45, 48 Abu-Abu taka scatteredclouds
51, 53, 55 Udan Piska: Kamaan, Moderada, Intensidade aas rain
56, 57 Udan Piska Malirin: Kamaan, Moderada, Intensidade aas rain
61, 63, 65 Udan: Kamaan, Moderada, Intensidade aas showerrain
66, 67 Udan Malirin: Kamaan, Moderada, Intensidade aas showerrain
71, 73, 75 Neve: Kamaan, Moderada, Intensidade aas snow
77 Neve: Piska snow
80, 81, 82 Udan maka'as: Kamaan, Moderada, Maka'as showerrain
85, 86 Udan Neve: Kamaan, Maka'as snow
95 Railakan: kamaan, maka'as thunderstorm
96, 99 Railakan ho Udan, ka Udan Es: Kama'an no Maka'as thunderstorm

How to Use:

Current Data
GET: api/klima

This endpoint retrieves all current weather data information from all municipalities. Result Link

GET: api/klima/{municipality}

This endpoint retrieves current weather information for a specific municipality. Examples we specify on Dili data like this api/klima/dili. Result Link

Daily Data
GET: api/klima/diariu/{municipality}

This endpoint retrieves daily weather of next 7 days from specific municipality. Examples we specify on Baucau data like this api/klima/diariu/baucau. Result Link

Hourly Data
GET: api/klima/oras/{municipality}

This endpoint retrieves hourly weather of next 10 hours from specific municipality. Examples we specify on Ermera data like this api/klima/oras/ermera. Result Link

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